Facade mouldings often go underappreciated these days. When building or renovating a house, we pay close attention to windows—their profiles, shapes, colours, and aesthetic arrangement. We generally also focus on having a good-quality window sill, ensuring it is the right size and well-made. However, we rarely consider the seemingly minor yet crucial detail of facade mouldings, which are often noticed only when we see that a neighbour's window appears more distinct and visually appealing against the wall than ours. This is due to the mouldings, as window casings serve as a distinctive ornament for windows, giving them style and elegance.
How to Choose Facade Mouldings
Facade mouldings can be selected in various ways. They can be matched to the window—naturally, a wider window frame pairs well with a broader and more pronounced window casing, while a more delicate window structure may require a more stylish, understated facade moulding. On the other hand, a bold casing for a small window can visually enlarge it, which is a significant stylistic advantage. They can also be chosen based on the overall finish of the house. Facade mouldings typically blend perfectly with the plaster, but you can use any colour and texture combinations.
Facade mouldings can be made from various materials, but currently, the most popular, durable, and aesthetically pleasing option is models made from highly resilient and weather-resistant resin composite with an EPS 200 core. Properly selected polystyrene facade mouldings highlight the beauty of your home, accentuate its features, and add an elegant character. They act as an extension and aesthetic finish to the window casings, becoming an integral part of the house.
Window Casings - Models and Profiles
Among the available models on the market, there is a variety of facade mouldings with different profiles. They can be minimalist, with sharp, pronounced edges, or smooth, gently beveled window casings. You can opt for convex profiles or those that appear concave. Minimalist flat window frames with one or two steps were used in decorating the facades of buildings designed in the Art Deco style. There are also stucco designs that combine these features. Ultimately, it depends on your preferences and choices—the wide range of aesthetically pleasing, excellently crafted facade mouldings offered by DW Decor ensures that you will never choose a window moulding that does not look good on your home’s wall. Each time, it will be a tasteful and elegant decoration.